Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Snow and Friends

We had some of my mom's friends over and their children. The next day we went to a Santa Breakfast and then it snowed that night.
My friend Ashlyn, me and my sister dancing.

Here is me, my sister and Ashlyn (Mandy's daughter)

My mom and her friends Mandy and Brooke. They had a good ol time that night.

This is at the Santa Breakfast the next moring. These are some of my cousins on my dad's side of the family. My sister and I are in the Green and Black dresses.

That night, it snowed. The pig went out to play with us the next day.

Cambria all bundled up.

My sister and I

We were pulled around the yard behind the ATV.
It was so much fun.

Here is my mom pulling us around, she is riding our mini ATV.

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